Web Editing
Table of Contents
This page contains links to web sites and pages having to do with HTML
generation, design, layout, and resources. The information is divided into
the following categories:
HTML Editing
This section is a compilation of creating and editing web pages. I have
put the links for novice editors at the beginning of this list.
WebDeveloper.com is a site with
articles and information on what is happening on the Internet. The are
links to HOWTOs, guides, and threaded message boards.
Beginner's Guide to HTML is another starting guide to web editing.
From the information presented on this page a crude page could be set up
in minutes.
Style Guides
This is an explanation of what the links in this category have in common.
SafeSurf.com is a voluntary web
ratings system. You can use this site to rate your own pages for browsers
that support parental controls.
Searchenginewatch.com contains
tips and suggestions for improving your rankings in the various search
Web Pages That Suck is fairly
self explanatory. This frames only page takes you through various web sites
showing you different mistakes and design errors. I tend to violate a few
of these rules myself.
Creating Killer Web Sites is
the online counterpart to the book of the same name. It provides some tips
for image manipulation and layout.
d e v h e a d is a good site
to check out the latest Internet technologies brought to you by PCMagazine.
Strunk, William. 1918.
The Elements of Style is an overall guide to writing. It is available
online from Bartleby.com.
These pages contain information on web page layout.
Dr. Clue This site is dedicated
to providing the information you need for further developing your web aspirations.
Dr. Clue's site includes information on the latest Web technologies. This
site has some good information on META tags.
CNET has a few tutorial pages covering
and various tips.
If none of these pages helps you out, you can always check out the rest
of CNET.
If you are interested in emerging technologies on the web, you will want
to check out the World Wide Web Consortium.
This group sets the standards for all versions of HTML.
Yale Web Style Guide
covers many topics on web design. Much of the information concerns laying
pages out to resemble more traditional print media.
PCMagazine has a tutorial on META
tags available on it's site. It specifically deals with getting your
web site listed on search engines.
This section contains links to various graphics pages.
If you are interested in learning more about GIF animation, there is a
tutorial at GIF Animation
on the WWW.
The Pixel Foundation
contains tips, techniques, and backgrounds for web designers.
For information about the Portable
Network Graphic(PNG) format. The PNG format is designed to be a royalty
free format to replace the GIF format.
Burnallgifs.org is dedicated
to eliminating the gif format from the web. They are doing this in response
to Unisys's current attempts to collect royalties from web developers.
Webreference.com has an article
on optimizing your
web graphics to lower their size. The main purpose is to reduce the bandwidth
required to load your web site.
Once you have finished your web page, you may wish to check out a few of
these sites to check your work.
Doctor HTML analyzes your
web page for errors and gives suggestions for improvement. I poked around
with this and found syntax errors in some of my old web pages.
Document URL http://www.fivon.com/klovian/editing.html
Copyright © 1995-2995 fivon.com. All rights reserved worldwide.
Revised: October 2000.